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Adaptive Living
Turn surviving into thriving
Sarah McGlory
14 minutes ago3 min read
Making real change happen.
I started smoking cigarettes when I was 15. My cousin and I were bored on a hot summer day, feeling rather rebellious, and we walked to...
Sarah McGlory
Jul 4, 20244 min read
The Adaptive Cleaning System
I created the Adaptive Cleaning System because I was tired of expecting too much from myself and then failing. I would make to-do lists that
Sarah McGlory
May 7, 20244 min read
How Do I Clean an Overwhelming Space?
I used to think that if I were organized and "on top of it" enough, I wouldn't have to clean an overwhelming space. The truth is...
Sarah McGlory
Mar 26, 20242 min read
How did you let it get so bad? (Cleaning when overwhelmed)
My mother-in-law has always had an immaculate home. There's never any dust, misplaced items, smudges on glass, or table crumbs. My home...
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